
Can run app into test devices (Close)

I'm develop tizen app on MacOS, and after I connect the test device in my MBP, Connection Explor show the device, and show an error alert:



On-demand install is failed. [gdbserver_7.5.0_i386.tar, dacustom_0.0.1_i386.tar, valgrind_0.0.8_i386.tar]
Please restart your IDE or reconnect your target.
I restart my IDE, reconnect test devices, and reboot computer and test devices, but I still get this error alert.
What can I do for it?
编辑者为: Brock Boland 17 3月, 2014 原因: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 回复
I had the same error on mac air, what's wrong with my IDE?
PS: I installed the latest version : Version : 2.1.0 Build id : 20130416-1436 and the error only prompted "On-demand install is failed. [gdbserver_7.5.0_i386.tar]"
I had resolve it. I think it's a connection error. otherwise you can try to use SDB tool to set the root on.