
Can not run TizenSDK

After clicking eclipse.exe (on Windows 7 32-bit) SDK is running few seconds and disappears from screen. I reinstalled SDK (2.4.0) but it doesnt help. Early worked normal.

I cleaned disc C (when it was owerflowed) - was deleted temps files etc. But folder with TizenSDK and projects are on another disc. Maybe it was a reason.

What restore running SDK?


8 回复
Lena Dragan

Solution was found: I created a new workbanch folder. Old workbanch folder has 7 projects. Maybe it is the reason - too much projects

Marco Buettner

My Workbench has currently 21 projects, so 7 arent to much...

Sometimes it helps to delete the ".metadata" folder ... After that u can add your projects to project explorer by "new -> project -> YourProjectName"

Lena Dragan

After deleting the folder "metadata", TizenSDK was run. But the same problem while I create a New Project:

show an Error: Creating web project has encountered a problem. Error occured while creating new project

And in details - java.io.IOException

Marco Buettner

It looks like the SDK isnt proper installed

Lena Dragan

Reinstalled the SDK, but the same problem

I find that I can not to create a project type Watch Face

File -> New -> Tizen WebProject -> Online Sample -> Digital Watch (or Basic Watch, or Analog Watch)

If I choose another type (for emample - Calculator) - project creating normal (I see a new project in a Project Explorer).

AppCallee can not create too, MiniGallary can not create too

Lena Dragan

But I can not create a new project - show an Error: Creating web project has encountered a problem. Error occured while creating new project

And in details - java.io.IOException

What to do now?

Alex Dem

I have faced with similar issue once, after 'eclipse' has been frozen during building of project and I have finished 'eclipse' process with 'Task manager'. Something was broken in workpace in .metadata after.
But I have created new workspace just.

Lena Dragan


New workspace - is it a new folder, where new  projects will be? If you about it ,  I created a new folder for projects, but there the same problem

I can import old projects and open in SDK (edit and save), but can not create a new