
8012 Error when updating application

We got a 8012 error when updating Gear application (Tizen Web, SDK 2.3.2)

We renewed certificate this year with Tizen Studio. Has GALAXY Apps stopped to check certificates match between versions when updating application?

Because before, when it was a certificate mismatch we got an error while uploading binary into GALAXY Apps, and now nothing like that happened but during verification the update was not possible apparently because of certification issue.



10-25 13:55:09.256+0700 I/APP_INSTALLERS(P 4327, T 4327): | INFO    |                           : certificate_validation.cc:141        : Processing signature: /opt/usr/globalapps/unpack-079220/signature1.xml
10-25 13:55:09.376+0700 E/APP_INSTALLERS(P 4327, T 4327): | ERROR   |                           : pkgmgr_signal.cc:154                 : PkgmgrSignal error_value: (-12:Package with the same id and different certificate has been already installed)
10-25 13:55:09.376+0700 D/APP_INSTALLERS(P 4327, T 4327): | DEBUG   |                           : pkgmgr_signal.cc:187                 : Success to send pkgmgr signal PKGID=Odj2L2rqOe KEY=error VALUE=-12:Package with the same id and different certificate has been already installed
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 W/APPTRAY (P 2756, T 2756): AppTrayPkgHandler.cpp: _clientListen(145) >  pkgmgr request [error:-12:Package with the same id and different certificate has been already installed]
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_package_manager.c: _cb_log_package(1298) > package [Odj2L2rqOe] callback : [UPDATE, FAILED]
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_package_manager.c: _cb_package_manager_event(1327) > package [Odj2L2rqOe] event type [2] reason[8012]
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_event_handler.c: _wms_event_handler_package_install_event(3629) >
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_event_handler.c: _wms_event_handler_get_index_from_install_req_list(1681) > Found in install_req_list?[1], index[1]
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_event_handler.c: _wms_event_handler_send_install_fail_response(1738) > givenID: Odj2L2rqOe
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_event_handler.c: _wms_event_handler_send_install_fail_response(1746) > Install Req ID:requestId_1508914503948, PkgName: Odj2L2rqOe
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_event_handler.c: _wms_event_handler_send_install_fail_response(1770) > errorcode: 8012
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_util.c: wms_util_read_file(196) > fopen fail[/opt/usr/home/owner/apps_rw/com.samsung.w-manager-service/data//log/logdump.tar.gz][No such file or directory]
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_json.c: wms_json_object_set_string_member(105) > value is NULL. Replacing [logdata] value to empty string
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_connection_wrapper.cpp: wms_connection_wrapper_sap_send(82) > wms_connection_sap_wrapper_send
10-25 13:55:09.386+0700 E/WMS     (P 3088, T 3088): wms_sap_connection.cpp: send(1459) > 




1 回复

Updated Binary is only supported when it's built with the exact same certificate. Now, As far as my understanding goes, Renewing a certificate should mean just extending expiration date of a certificate, But the certificate remains the same one, don't it?

I would suggest you to post your situation as a query on 'My Question' Section of Gaxaly apps seller office, Seems that's the way to get clarified.