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When watching video(html5) mobile device enters into sleep mode after 10-20 minuets

When I've tried to publish my tizen web app I was rejected. There is the purpose:


The application goes to sleep mode even if it is executed without touch.


  1. Execute the application->Start to watch some movie
  2. Do not touch the screen
  3. Check whether the application goes to sleep mode

Expected Result

The application should not go to sleep mode because the user wants to execute it without touch.

I think that this is a tizen webkit bug. Nevertheless I've tried to request CPU_AWAKE and SCREEN_NORMAL power state programmatically. And this wasn't helped to me. Is this really a bug or I do something wrong?

Device: Ref.Device-PQ. Tizen version: 2.2.0

Edited by: deser on 24 4월, 2014


11 댓글


I have tested on PQ and Z9005 devices with Tizen 2.2.1 and Power API woks fine. (screen does not turn off)




Yes It works fine but when watching video doesn't works fine. After some time screen turns off. Try to watch some film for continious time (for example 1 - 2 hours). If web app runtime and tizen browser have equal webkit I think you can test it here: http://www.zoomby.ru/mobile/watch/millioner-iz-truscheb. Simply start watching video. In all other platforms(android, ios, desctop) screen doesn't turn off. But in Tizen screen turns off. I think this is a bug. And also I can give yoy my web app and you can test it on tizen web runtime. 

By the way I use power api in this way:

tizen.power.request("SCREEN", "SCREEN_NORMAL");
tizen.power.request('CPU', 'CPU_AWAKE');                

var _onTimeUpdate = function(){
     tizen.power.request("SCREEN", "SCREEN_NORMAL");
     tizen.power.request('CPU', 'CPU_AWAKE');
video.on('timeupdate', _onTimeUpdate);


// comment: on opening page containing video element I request power states SCREEN_NORMAL and CPU_AWAKE (I won't release for test purpose). Also I request those powser states on timeupdate because I've noticed that when video plays\pauses power state releases.


P.S.: I've noticed that even when I requst power state SCREEN_NORMAL and CPU_AWAKE and not RELEASE them and when bug occurs (when watching video screen turns off) CPU whatever works without sleep. It's obviosly because in this state (screen off and video doesn't plaing) my 100% charged battery is down in 1-2 ours.



Has a solution for this issue been found? Our application (a web hybrid app consisting embedding a mobile site's web pages in an webview) has been rejected for the same reason ("The application goes to sleep mode even if it is executed without touch") and we can't found out a solution. Videos are played with the native Tizen video player which goes to sleep mode.



Hi, I hadn't found a solution. Try to use CPU_AWAKE and SCREEN_NORMAL state requests (https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.2.0/?topic=%2Forg.tizen.web.device.apireference%2Ftizen%2Fpower.html) but they are not worked for me. May be I used these states in a wrong way...

Overall I send my app on validation one more time with comment that I can't fix it and it seems to be a Tizen bug. Now validation in progress and I am waiting for results.


Thanks for your quick answer!

I hope your app will pass validation. Could you keep us up-to-date about your validation?



Ok, if I will not forget.



So, do you have any good news?




no, there is no news. Our is still has status "validation In progress" and in history it is written "The examination has been delayed". I wrote support to ask about the purposes of delay and now waiting for the response...



I have good news :). Our app where published yesterday. 


Good news indeed!

It was published without modification? Does the screen always turns off?


Yes it was published without modification. On my device screen always turns off but I haven't tested on samsung Z :)