I have a very broad and somewhat philosopycal question:
First of all I must say I don't program for living. I used to be a Java programmer but now its more of a hobby.
So I usually program desktop application in Java and pack everything in a singler jar file, but Im tired of the old swing interface and want my program to run in a web browser like modern apps do.
The problem is that don't want a server side (web server, app server and so on), I want everything to run on the client machine, preferably without any dependencies.
Of course I can install local backend software, but I want to save the user this hassle.
One option can be to use tiny, embedded webqapp server like embedded jetty or embedded Tomcat. This way my app is also the backend, but Im limited only to
servlets+JSP technology.
A second, not so realistic, is to do everything in the client side.
I also played a little with Node.js but it needs to be installed and all dependent components are managed by npm and I don't know how to pack all of it into one package.
I am willing to learn new language/technology if needed.
1. I want to be able to deliver a one-file app, preferably portable but installation will be ok too.
2. The application's UI will run in a web browser.
3. If there is a server side component needed, it will be hidden from the user, maybe inside my own app.
So, what do you think is the best way to go ?