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Wearable Unique Identification

Hello! I was looking for any documentation about get device UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION. I tought that the  DUID was what I was looking for than I found it: 

readonly DOMString duid

Indicates the Tizen ID, not device's unique ID since Tizen 2.3.

 As you guys can see, DUID is not what I am looking for anymore :(

Is there any imutable UNIQUE IDENTIFICATION for Smart Watch? I'm using a Gear S2.


3 댓글
Marco Buettner

You can use the TizenID, its randomly generated string based on devicename... It will only generate ONCE.


var tizenId = tizen.systeminfo.getCapability('http://tizen.org/system/tizenid');


Nafisul Islam Kiron

You can also go for Wi-Fi mac address:

Represents the MAC address of the Wi-Fi interface. It is written in MM:MM:MM:SS:SS:SS format.
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SystemInfoWifiNetwork : SystemInfoProperty {
    readonly attribute DOMString macAddress;


I agree with Marco comment, best way is to use tizenId.