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[Wearable] Is it possible to add swipe event listener to Section Changer


I try to add vertical swipe event listener for horisontal section changer, but after adding swipe listener navigation between sections doesn`t works.



9 댓글
colin Rao

Not enough information for issue analyze. Could you more detail, or share the related code here? :)


Please see my comment below

Stephan König

Vertical swipe in a horizontal section changer should work fine.

Can you please post a snippet of your code how you create section changer, add swipe listener and what you do in the swipe listener callback ?


Please see my comment below



I using following code:


<div class="ui-page ui-page-active" id="main">
        <header class="ui-header">
            <h2 class="ui-title">Wearable UI</h2>
            <div id="sectionchanger" class="ui-content content-padding">
                <section class="ui-section-active" id="imageSection">
                <section id="videoSection">



document.getElementById("main").addEventListener("pageshow", function() {
    sectionChanger = new tau.SectionChanger(document.getElementById("sectionchanger"),
                circular: false,
                orientation: "horizontal",
                useBouncingEffect: true,
                scrollbar: "bar"
    var element = document.getElementById("imageSection");
    tau.event.enableGesture(element, new tau.event.gesture.Swipe(
       orientation: "vertical"

    element.addEventListener("swipe", function(e)
       console.log("swipe  = " + e.detail.direction);


After this, when i try switches between sections, i receive following error in console:


lib/tau/wearable/js/tau.min.js (7) :TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'a[e]=b[e]')

But vertical swipe event is triggered normaly.

Stephan König

Try to add swipe listener to the section like:

document.getElementById('videoSection').addEventListener("swipe", onSwipeGesture);

 function onSwipeGesture(ev) {
     var direction = ev.detail.direction;
     if (direction === tau.event.gesture.Direction.UP) {
         /* do something */
     } else if (direction === tau.event.gesture.Direction.DOWN){
         /* do something else*/

This way it should work without interfrencing the section changer.



The Tizen Advanced UI (TAU) provides gesture events that triggered only on  gesture-enabled element.

Accordingly, we need call enableGesture() method for section element. But after this section changer navigation doesn`t works.

Without enableGesture() "swipe" event isn`t triggered.


On which device you have checked your code?

Stephan König

Yes, you're right. My  code snipped was not complete at all.
So I uploaded a demo thats working on Gear S: http://www.share-online.biz/dl/IF1DS9KNDF6

Another thing is we had to "fix" a bug in the tau.js. There is a merge function and in line 1430 we had to add  "|| {}" after args.shift(), otherwise the section changer didn't work. Don't know why Samsung didn't see this bug yet...

daniel kim


When I ran your code, I could see same phenomenon. Switching to second page didn't work.