언어 설정

the upload error


I am trying to update an existing application on the Tizen store, but when I tried to upload my wgt file, I got this message error:


And even I want to delete the hole application I didn't know how to do it!



5 댓글
Marco Buettner

Suspend your app... After its on suspension you can terminate the application. 

karray gargouri

I didn't figure out how to suspend the application?

Marco Buettner

Open your eyes... Go in detail page of your app and you will find the suspend button in the top behind the current status ;)

karray gargouri

I open my eyes and still not finding the button, unless I must change my glasses! here is two screens shots:

1- My applications:


2- Application details page:


Where is the delete button you are talking about?

Marco Buettner

An app in registration mode can not suspend... Only apps on "on sale" status can suspend... Other apps you should easy delete by delete button :) Which you can find also on the DETAIL PAGE as status...

PS: You post to screenshots which not related.. The error on the first screenshot comes obv of one of the apps which FAILED the certification and not by a new registered app.. You should be based on the same issues your questions to be more clarify your problem.