언어 설정

Tizen timetick event missing in ambient mode



I'm creating a web watch face for Samsung Gear Sport. I'm using ambient mode and timetick event to update. It works fine, ambient mode turns on, then limited UI is showed (less than 15% of pixels). Then I've implemented simple storage (localStorage) and each "timetick" event is put into the localStorage with current timestamp.


Documentation says:

"To reduce power consumption, a Tizen watch application displayed on the idle screen in ambient mode can show a limited UI and receives only the ambient tick event every minute". https://developer.tizen.org/development/training/web-application/understanding-tizen-programming/event-handling#ambient


And this is not true, because after couple of hours of testing this (10h +) I've noticed that "timetick" event is not called each minute. There are major holes in the "timetick" callbacks. Sometimes "timetick" is not called even for 15 minutes. So documentation is wrong and misleading.


Why is that happening, that "timetick" event is not called each minute?

Why documentation is not mentioning this "SMALL" detail? 


Cheers, Damian Michalak.


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

I've shared a response here on this thread of yours in Samsung developers:
