Hello! I have tryied to use dragend.js library in my app and now i have a problem with that libary. My slider-carousel dont't have any reaction to touch events.
Please, help!
At first, I load a libraries: jquery, hammer.js, dragend.js.
After that i have a markup in index.html#help (#help is a page)
<div id="demo"> <ul class="demoul"> <li class="first dragend-page"></li> <li class="dragend-page"></li> <li class="middle dragend-page"></li> <li class="dragend-page"></li> <li class="last dragend-page"></li> </ul> </div>
and in the main.js i have a function
var initHelp = function(){ $("#demo").dragend(); console.log("add dragend!") }; $(document).delegate("#help", "pageinit", initHelp);
And my app has no reaction. and dragend.js carousel fails.
So what i am doing wrong?