i'm having a problem with the xml parsing on the emulator. in fact it is working on the simulator and not showing any errors on the console but not responding on the emulator. the code i'm using is below.
for the main:
var initsamsung = function () { // TODO:: Do your initialization job console.log("init() called"); alert("0000000*****"); if ( ParserSamsung.initsamsung()) { alert("111*****"); ParserSamsung.DatasamsungReceivedCallback = function() { var i; alert("222*****"); for(i=0; i<Datasamsung.getNomCount(); i++){ var div = document.createElement("div"); alert(Datasamsung.getNom(0)); div.innerHTML='<div class="info-box"> <div class="info-box"><span class="info-box-icon bg-aqua"><img src="http://'+Datasamsung.getimage1(i)+'" width="90x" height="80px"></a></span><div class="info-box-content"><span class="info-box-text">'+Datasamsung.getNom(i)+'</span><span class="info-box-number"><small></small></span></div><!-- /.info-box-content --></div><!-- /.info-box --></div><!-- /.col -->'; alert(Datasamsung.getimage1(i)) document.getElementById("listesamsung").appendChild(div); } }; ParserSamsung.fetchDatasamsung(); } else { } }; $(document).bind('pageinit', initsamsung);
on the Simulator the two first alerts are working, the problem starts with the third one which weirdly, works perfectly on the simulator