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How to work with MotionHRMInfo?
I use SDK1  !!!!! (NO remove HRM!!!!)
When there is full support for HRM?


2 댓글
Jim George

I second this. What attributes does MotionHRMInfo have?

Todd Anderson

I third it!  According to the docs, MotionHRMInfo should have the following attributes (but the privilges seem to be broken!):

2.6. MotionHRMInfo

The MotionHRMInfo interface represents Heart Rate Monitor(HRM) data.

    [NoInterfaceObject] interface MotionHRMInfo : MotionInfo {


        readonly attribute long heartRate;


        readonly attribute long rRInterval;


Since: 2.2


  • readonly long heartRate An attribute to indicate the heart rate in beats per minute. When a user takes off the watch device, the heartRate is set to -3. When a user shakes the watch, the heartRate is set to -2.
    Since: 2.2 
  • readonly long rRInterval Peak-to-peak interval in millisecond(s).
    Since: 2.2