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Memory test for web project


it is necessary to measure the memory consumption.
  For example,  for  Gear S
  I understand Web Analyzer is not suitable for this purpose.

Memory view - too for native.

  My application crashes when testing
logs dump

  example  - I suspect that a piece of dlog_main  

W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <core_glGetIntegeri_v:2183>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:23.441+0700  3588  3588 W Adreno-ES20: <get_simple_queries:1550>: GL_INVALID_ENUM
07-04 15:14:32.371+0700   857   857 W WEMAIL_CONSUMER: main.c: __service_app_low_memory_cb(58) >  low memory callback is called.
07-04 15:14:32.371+0700   738   738 W MSG_CONSUMER: msg-consumer-server.c: __service_app_low_memory_cb(629) > low memory callback is called!
07-04 15:14:32.391+0700  1054  1054 E TEXTTEMPLATE: tt_main.c: _service_app_low_memory_cb(71) > _service_app_low_memory_cb
07-04 15:15:01.431+0700   841   841 E CAPI_APPFW_APPLICATION_PREFERENCE: preference.c: _read_data(278) > NO_KEY(0xffffff82) : fail to find given key(pedometer_inactive_period)
07-04 15:15:02.251+0700  1387  1387 E WRT_PLUGINS/TIZEN: JSPowerManager.cpp: setScreenBrightness(238) >  value = 1.000000
07-04 15:15:03.521+0700   807   807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1115 (wnotiboard-popup) score = 200, size = 5192 KB, victim total size = 5192 KB, sigterm = 1
07-04 15:15:03.521+0700   807   807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1049 (call-consumer) score = 240, size = 1796 KB, victim total size = 6988 KB, sigterm = 1
07-04 15:15:03.521+0700   807   807 E RESOURCED: vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims,907] we killed, force(0), 1059 (wcontext-service) score = 240, size = 1528 KB, victim total size = 8516 KB, sigterm = 1
07-04 15:15:03.581+0700   441   441 W AUL_AMD : amd_request.c: __request_handler(554) > __request_handler: 22



 Emulator do not show log with killer memory - (vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(907) > [lowmem_kill_victims)

Accordingly, how to reproduce the problem with memory for a web application?


4 댓글
Yasin Ali


You may use 'Web Analysis' under 'Dynamic Analyzer'(Contains a checker for stale objects that cause possible memory leaks.),'Web Inspector' etc. The Call Trace view is located at the bottom of the Timeline tab in Dynamic Analyzer and shows the user method callstack that occurs during an application execution.

Hope it will work. If you find my post is helpful , please mark it as the Best Answer to promote this post to others.

Kilim A


'Web Analysis' is avalible only since 2.4 ( mob virsion) 

in emulator will be memore for mobile 2.4...

Kilim A

Could you tell  Memory viewer - this is for native?

 "The Memory view of the Debug perspective lets you monitor and modify your process memory" ( Help SDC 2.4)


 Becouse I don't understand how it must work

Yasin Ali

You may try runtime information retrieval.
