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Manage services via web api

Is there any way to manage services using web API?

var successCallback = function(services) {
        if (services.length == 0) {
            //Create service?

tizen.messaging.getMessageServices('messaging.email', successCallback, errorCallback);

So in case there is no any service, create them?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


9 댓글
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, Can you please elaborate your query, what kind of service you like to add
According to messaging API, it is possible to manage email messages. And there is an example in API where it is possible to get services "tizen.messaging.getMessageServices("messaging.email", serviceListCB);" I'm wondering is there any kind of "setMessageServices" or alternative way to manage this services (for "messaging.email" MessageServiceTag) directy from web API (without running "settings")
Or another case - delete/update one of services received in successCallback function
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi rumax, There is some sample examples given in help, did u mean it or need other functionality https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.web.appprogramming/html/tutorials/communication_tutorial/manage_messages.htm
Yes, I need other functionality. Actualy I'm interested is it possible to add/update new account? In this example I can work with already created accounts only. For example I want to register new email account. How can I do this?
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi Rumax, I got your point, you want to configure email client using web API's right. For this we need AcocuntManager APIs to be publish, currently there is no such support for WebAPIs.
Thank you! That's what I was looking for.
Is there a possibility to open "settings -> Accounts" from JS application to manage acounts via settings?
Also is it possible to open "settings -> Accounts -> Add accounts" for adding new email or other accounts