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It is disabled for security reasons in run mode.

SDK 2.3, mobile emulator.

when I try to run the application as "Tizen Web Application" on emulator, it raise a security issue as the title. paste the IDE console log below:
[Initializing the launch environment...]
    RDS: On
    Target information: MobileWVGA
    Device Web Runtime type: WRT
    Application information: Id(eLuyqiqZiP.MultiPageAppTau), Package Name(eLuyqiqZiP), Project Name(MultiPageAppTau)
[Stopping running application...]
[Rapid Development Support]
[Uploading RDS information to target...]
[Running the application...]


Any body have the same issue while to launch a web app on emulator? And, how to config the IDE environment? Thanks!



5 댓글
Alex Dem

I am able to launch any Web app examples from SDK on emulator using 2.3.0 official Win7-64bit Tizen SDK.
I did not create Window->Preferences->'Security profile' even.

daniel kim



I would recommend you to remove old sdk folder&workspace and reinstall SDK 2.3 if you updated your SDK2.3 from 2.2.1.


I wish this will help you. 

Alex Dem

It is good suggestion to clear tizen-sdk & tizen-sdk-data folders after uninstallation before new installation.
I always perform this action.

colin Rao

Thank you!

Yes, when I uninstall the SDK and delete all the relative folders, like the tizen, tizen-data, workspace. Reinstall the SDK, it's works fine. The app can be launched via IDE, but I still get the message "It is disabled for security reasons in run mode." in IDE console output. But that don't impact on the app launch on emulator and also can debug the app. 

병옥 이

Not Use   Run As ... .     Use Debug As ...  and you can see the logs...