언어 설정

Icon problem

I don"t understand why Tizen reject my app by giving the issue of icon. And i change the icon with new icon relative with application with 117x117 dimension with circular shape.
i need help on this topic.....


4 댓글


It is difficult to answer without more information about the problem.

For more information, you can ask your question on Tizen Seller Office in My Q&A section.

daniel kim


I assume that your application is for wearable device.

This is mandatory format for Icon.

png file format and resolution is 512x512 pixel. file size should be less than 1024kb.

I wish this will help you.


Gaurav Sharma


NO my app is for mobile device not for wearable device and i change the icon in app with 117x117
and on store it is 512x512 everthing is correct and appropriate.
but still they reject my apps. 

daniel kim

If your Icon meet this condition, you need to ask this problem to AppStore.

    512x512 PNG Only 1,024KB or less

Did you get any comment from AppStore when your application was failed in AppStore? I guess that you got a html file which contains the issue list.