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How to use tau.js

I am now developing wearable apps by wearable-sdk and found that sample apps and templates(except for jQuery template) don't use jQuery, either.

In lib folder, there is a tau.js file instead.

Is there a reason jQuery is not included in lib folder by default? How should I use tau.js library?


Edited by: Fujikawa on 15 4월, 2014
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Tizen Wearable Web UI framework is used for page navigation and developing applications based on the Tizen Wearable themes.

This framework based on jQuery. For more information see documentation.



>For more information see documentation.

Where is the documentation? I searched "tau.js" but no document is found.

Mark as answer
Marco Buettner

You will find the documentation in your SDK for Wearables

Help > Help Contents


I confirmed tau.js and other documentations, thank you.

Joonkyung Lee

I think it may be silly, but I failed to find "tau.js" documents.

Help > Help Contents in Tizen IDE for Wearable, didn't show up anything about tau.

Maybe I should search in other material?

If you succed in finding it, please let me know.




Marco Buettner

Maybe you should looking for UI Framework or something like that ;)



There is no api documentation for guide tau directly. Another way to study how to using tau, TizenWinset sample web application demonstrating usage of the Tizen Advanced UIFW(TAU) to implement UI widgets. You can get from https://developer.tizen.org/development/sample/2.3.0/sample-mobile-applications

Juan Ospina

I'm sorry, i agree with Joonkyung. If there is any direct api documentation for the tau class it is really difficult to find. You can find references to it all over those docuemnts but there is not one document that lists all the packages and classes that make up tau. Where are those? are they anywhere?



I've never heard about documentation for TAU classes.  But I found a page with all services, provided by TAU framework.  There are also examples of usage of different TAU elements.

Tizen Wearable Web UI Framework Reference: https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.3.1/org.tizen.web.apireference/html/ui_fw_api/wearable/index.htm

Hope this will help you




some more links:

2.3.1 - https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.3.1/org.tizen.web.apireference/html/ui_fw_api/mobile/index.htm

2.4 - https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/2.4.0/org.tizen.web.apireference/html/ui_fw_api/ui_fw_api_cover.htm

Seoghyun Kang



TAU has the different version for each profile.


If you want to watch the example of the wearable TAU, please refer the following url.


This demonstrating how to implement UI Components for Wearable.



If you want to watch the example of the mobile TAU, please refer the following url.


