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How To Package Web App From Tizen IDE

Hi there,


I have completed my web app using the Tizen IDE, However how do I export it to a format which can be uploaded to the Tizen Store? When I try to export, under Tizen the option given to me are Tizen Web UI Builder Page and User Template. I am familiar with clicking on export to .apk option for Android Development using Eclipse, and assume there is a similar thing for Tizen. 


Thanks in advance,



5 댓글
Marco Buettner

The Tizen SDK rebuild automatic the binary file... WebApps are packed as "wgt" file... Look for "projectName.wgt" in the root folder of the project ;)

Zeshan Sajid

Trying to find the .wgt file in the root folder, cant seem to find it. Been searching for .wgt comes back with nothing? I know this might sound stupid :P but the IDE automaticaly creates the .wgt file on the go? The app is complete and works fine on the emulator, I just need to upload it to the Tizen Store, but can find he package lol. 



If you use IDE, you can find wgt in project directory.

Also you can build you project using CLI.

Zeshan Sajid


Thanks guys, finally got the file. Had to run the emulator a couple of times to get the .wgt file

John Ixion

You can package a widget using the web-packaging command
