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how to open edit menu of image on button click


I am dveloping locket photo frame in which i want to open image edit menu when user click on the button.By default image edit menu open when press on left hardware button of device.I want it should be open on button click.



thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar





5 댓글
Seoghyun Kang



What is the "image edit menu"? Is it created by you?


Anyway..  You wrote that you will use the "left hardware button of device".

I assume that it is the menu hardware button. If you want to receive the event from the menu button, please refer the following code.


// add eventListener for tizenhwkey
document.addEventListener('tizenhwkey', function(e) {
 if(e.keyName == "menu") {


Jean Yang


I think “image edit menu” is the left hard key in image view screen. When you click this menu, the list show information for image. It included Slideshow, Edit, Delete, Rename, Share via, Set as, Details.

If you want to click on the button and open image edit menu. I think Seoghyun Kang’s suggestion is good. You need to receive the event from the menu button and following code like sample above.


mohit kumar

Hi Jean Yang,

                    I want to create a button in my application.By click of this button "image edit menu" should be open.only edit menu shoud be aapper.I dont want delete,slideshow,rename,share via,set as.In general on hardware left key press it aapper delete,slideshow,edit,rename,share via,set as.I want only edit menu not all.I do not want to click on hardware button.I want to create a button in my application by clicking on this button image edit menu shoud be aapper.



thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar


pius lee

You can't control the menu that is poped on bottom side of Default Image viewer app.

Basically, popup menu inside of image viewer is made by Default Image viewer that is created to native application.

And Default image viewer don't give controlling to outside of the application.

So If you want "edit" feature inside the menu, you must make your custom menu and editing feature with HTML5 canvas.

You can make easily image editing feature with lots of opensource canvas libraries.

I recommend it. http://fabricjs.com/

mohit kumar


Thank you so much.I will try what you told me.



thanks and regards

Mohit kumar