I am developing Audio Recording Application at Wearable Web Application.
And I refered to Sample project named VoiceRecorder.
It is so helpful to me.
But It has bad sound quality and only .amr file extension.
function getRecordingFormat() { // return 'amr'; return 'mp3'; }
This causes object CameraSettingErrors
I heard that there is no API that convert to good sound quality in Tizen itself.
What should I do to get good sound quality mp3 file when recording finished.
Is there any converter library made of JavaScript. (free or ...)
Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day!
I noticed that converting .amr to other extension is not good way to improve sound quality.
We just need an uncompressed audio file for this issue !
In Native Application, we can easily deal with uncompressed audio file.
In Wearable Web Application case, Is there any way to deal with uncompressed audio file?