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How to check if GPS is enabled



could any one tell me how to check if the GPS is actif in my mobile or emulator.

and in case if it is desabled can i load user to parameters application to activate his GPS or can i activate GPS from my application?

thx a lot and best regards



Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


10 댓글
talari praveen kumar
Hi Amira There are no APIs to enable or disable GPS from application. By default GPS is disable in device (there is no GPS in emulator), you can enable it manually through settings->Location->GPS. You can only check whether your device supports GPS or not using tizen.systeminfo.getCapabilities() method.
Is it possible to open settings->Location->GPS dirrectly from JS application?
Marco Buettner
Imo no
i think yes, using application API. i'm going to do this later, i'll tell you how ones done :) but if you did it befor me do not hesitate to share
thx a lot could you please tell me if it is possible to access setting from my application? i want to chow a message telling that gps is not actif and open setting that uwhere user cabn activate his gps?
Lakshmi Grandhi
Hi, To know whether GPS is enabled or not, Web Applications doesn't have functionality, but you can using hybrid application to know whether it is on or not using native apps. To launch setting app use Application control APis
talari praveen kumar
Hi Use the below code to launch 'settings' app
function onsuccess() {
        console.log("The application has launched successfully");
function errorCallback(){console.log("failed");}
tizen.application.launch("kto5jikgul.Settings", onsuccess,errorCallback);
Alexander AVSukhov
Hello, For launch Setting -> Location you can use AppControl: var appControl = new tizen.ApplicationControl("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/configure/location", null, null, null); tizen.application.launchAppControl( appControl, "tizen.settings", function() {console.log("launch application control succeed"); }, function(e) {console.log("launch application control failed. reason: " + e.message); }, null );
Marco Buettner
nice :) thanks
thx Alexander AVSukhov i'll try this :)