언어 설정

how can i use show a image in html when i retrieve a image by invoke system service[gallary]

I can get the image path :opt/xxx/xx/xx.png, but in my html <img src="" /> ,what 's the value of the attritute src .opt is a system path,i can't use it directly otherwise it will search image in my own app but system's .Is there is a prefix before path,so it can indicate it's a system file.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


4 댓글
Raghavendra Reddy Shiva
Hello Wanjin ma, If you are trying to view the image from systems path, then you might need to use the Tizen device API services. Tizen supports access to base applications (native applications) like Image viewer, music player, Video player etc using its service API's. Please refer to platform services under Application service documentation here for its usage , https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.web.appprogramming/Application.html Can also refer Media content Browser/Inspector (under Tizen MediaContent API) for getting more details on the media Items i.e Image/Audio/Video contents. Regards, Raghavendra
Srinivasa Rao S
Hi Wanjin ma, In addition to the above response, Images will be accessible only from "/opt/media" or "/opt/storage" path.There is no prefix required for system directories.
john Smith
Hi wanjin, We can use Filesystem API or either media to retrieve the image from system path.
wanjin ma