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Gear s3 web service

Hi, I'm making a web app where I need to have a web service running to recive events from an API and then either open the main application or show notifications on the watch.

I'm developing on a brand new Gear s3, but when I try to debug it, it says "given package is not found". Also when using tizen.application.getAppsInfo() I don't see the service in the list. 

The web service guide says it requires a device running 2.3.1 or higher, and the Gear s3 is running

Any idea what's wrong? Has anyone else here used web services on the Gear s3 yet?


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Onur Şahin

From https://developer.tizen.org/dev-guide/wearable/2.3.0/org.tizen.wearable.web.appprogramming/html/guide/service_guide/service_app.htm ;

"The wearable service application requires partner-level certification in Tizen 2.3."

Even tho you can create a parner level certificate on your computer to develop apps, you cannot run those apps on commercial samsung devices unless you are a registered partner developer at Samsung. http://developer.samsung.com/gear/develop/getting-certificates/create

You can test your application on emulator but you need to patch the emulator first. To do that run this {tizen_studio_path}\tools\certificate-generator\patches\partner\patch.bat file.

Keith Mitchell

Interesting, I created a partner level cirtificate in the IDE and entered my Gear's GUID but it still isn't lauching the service...

Would you happen to know where I can apply for partner certification? 

Onur Şahin


Onur Şahin

Apparently putting direct link for register page is not working, use this https://partnerportal.samsung.com/ than click register.

Iqbal Hossain


I think the problem is in Package ID or App ID . Please check it and follow the following tutorial for more clearification. 



Keith Mitchell

Hi Iqbal, I have followed that guide and set the correct apps IDs already. Thanks for the suggestion though! 

Ivan Dimitrov

Hi Keith, have you found a way to run service app on S3? I have the same problem.