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[Gear S3] Wearable 3.0 compatibilities

Hi all,

I try to develop a wearable 3.0 web app on my Gear S3 (2.3.2). I would like to test the beacon detection with RSSI, but this feature is avaiable for 3.0 version.

When I deploy my web app (wearable 3.0) I have a Error:143 :

path is /opt/usr/apps/tmp/BeaconDetector.wgt
start process (install)
error : 143

end process (fail)
processing result : Unknown Error [143] failed
spend time for pkgcmd is [758]ms
    An exception occurred
(Installing the package... > Fail)
An exception occurred
Unexpected stop progress...
(2.461 sec)

When I deploy a native app  (wearable 3.0) I have no error.


1) How is it possible to deploy a native application 3.0 on my Gear S3 with version 2.3.2 ?

2) Can I deploy a web app 3.0 application on a Gear S3 with version2.3.2 ?





Edited by: John Ixion on 08 7월, 2017


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam

I am sharing my findings with you here, May give you some hints.


# I created new Wearable 3.0 Web Project > Template > TAU Basic and deployed on Gear S3. Runs Fine.

# Just added 'bluetooth' privilege on config.xml. Deployed on Gear S3, Installation fails.


Now the reason is 'bluetooth' privilege is a new feature introduced in Tizen 3.0 (previously there was bluettoth.admin,bluetooth.gap,...), which was not present in Tizen 2.3.2. Whenever You would use such feature that is not supported in Tizen 2.3.2 (but supported in Tizen 3.0), Installation will fail. If you don't use newly introduced feature in Tizen 3.0, In that case Wearable-3.0 projects may run fine on GearS3 currently, as per my findings.