언어 설정

email problem

when I launch application service to send a email,is it possible to specify a "receiver" and "subject" in advance?

my code is below here,it can launch email composer,but receiver is empty and subject is "Subject" for default .


var service = new tizen.ApplicationService("http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/send", null, "*/*");


try {
tizen.application.launchService(service, null, this.onSuccess, this.onError, this.serviceReply);
} catch (exc) {
alert("launchService exc: " + exc.message);


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


9 댓글
Srinivasa Rao S
Hi wanjin ma, " tizen.ApplicationService" method accepts another paramter which of type ApplicationServiceData[], in this object you can pass additional information as a Key-Value Pairs. To specify a receiver, you need to mention "TO" as key and for subject "SUBJECT" as a key. For more details go though the link "https://developer.tizen.org/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.tizen.web.appprogramming%2FApplication+Service.html" I havn't tested this on device, please let me know still if its not working
dhirendra kumar
Hi wanjin ma, one small question here ..... in order to send email you need to configure email client on your phone/emulator first. Did you succed in configuring it ? If yes, which one i.e. google or hotmail or other ? I tried to configure it .... but could not till now.
wanjin ma
I have tried like this. var appServiceDataTo = new tizen.ApplicationServiceData("To", ["mwj@gmail.com","mwj1@gmail.com"]); var appServiceDataSubject = new tizen.ApplicationServiceData("Subject", ["test"]); //alert(appServiceDataTo); var service = new tizen.ApplicationService( "http://tizen.org/appcontrol/operation/send", null, "*/*",[appServiceDataTo,appServiceDataSubject]); The code above doesn't work well.And I also tried many keys like: "TO"、"To"、"to". I can't find the specification about tizen.ApplicationServiceData in "Tizen Web App Programming". Oh my god ,
Raghu Kona
Hi wanjin ma, As Dhirendra mentioned, we need to configure mail client before sending an email. I already raised a Jira request regarding this. https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TDIST-131 Lets wait till this issue is fixed.
wanjin ma
But it still doesn't work well.Maybe the key is wrong?
Jan Macura
Hi, did you solve this problem? I have set up a google account, but still not able to pass data (to, subject, body) to email client. Jan
wanjin ma
not yet
Stephan König
Hi, are there any news about passing data to an application with the ApplicationControlData-Object? I tried to pass just a text to a sending application like email, but everytime i add the ApplicationControlData to the ApplicationControl-Call it says something like wrong type. Any suggestions?
Raghu Kona
Please follow the jira request for further updates on this issue. https://bugs.tizen.org/jira/browse/TWEB-119