언어 설정

Drawing in web widget

Hello all!

I keep trying to find a way to draw a line graph in a web widget.

As inline SVG and canvas is forbidden and libraries are too big for the 50kb size limit I do not find efficient ways of solving this problem.

So would you draw lines in web widgets?

Thanks a lot!


2 댓글
Iqbal Hossain

Web widgets use only a subset of HTML, CSS, and DOM APIs available for Web applications. Since a design goal of widgets is to provide a quick view of the widget content to the user, there are some restrictions in the Web widget implementation to prevent unnecessary performance degradation:

  • Web widgets cannot use external network resource loading (for example, CSS, JavaScript, and image files).
  • The total size of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files in the widget is limited to less than 50 Kbytes.

  • The image resolution in a widget must be less than 1.5 times the base image resolution of the Web Widget Specification.

  • Only JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats are allowed for image files.

So, You can use very basic summary data on widget and set an action as button. After clicking on the button redirect user to Web App and show details data or chart.

You can create a standalone Web widget, with no parent Web application. In this case, the parent Web application is generated automatically by the Tizen Studio during packaging. However, this kind of widget is used for development and testing purposes only. To be published in the Tizen Store, Web widgets must be combined with a real parent application.

Already answered here.


Tobias Goerke

Thanks, I thought I'd give it a try here as well!