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Domain-restricted cookies in Background Service

We have an app with the following flow (Tizen 2.4, Smart TV):

1. Foreground application authenticates a user. Authentication returns a domain-restricted cookie (cookie that cannot be accessed by other domains).

2. Background service (<tizen:service> in config.xml) needs the cookie in order to access user-specific data.


The problem is that the service seems to run in a different context and therefore doesn't have access to the cookie.

We tried to read the cookie in the foreground app and send it to the background service, but reading the cookie using document.cookie doesn't return the cookie because it is domain restricted.


Any ideas how we can either read the cookie or have the service know the cookie?


1 댓글
Armaan-Ul- Islam


Have you created two totally different projects to perform the solution or It's one project/app having both ui and service part ? Please share some more details.

Thank you.