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App install failed issue and rejection of app


I have an app on tizen app store. Till the current app version everything was okay.

Problem arouse when I used following piece of code.

function getCellInfo(cellular) {
console.log("cellId: " + cellular.cellId+" -- "+cellular.mcc +" -- "+ cellular.mnc+" -- "+ cellular.lac+"----Gsm");
console.log("mimi: "+cellular.imei);
currentCellID = cellular.cellId;
currentIMEI = cellular.imei;
tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue("CELLULAR_NETWORK", getCellInfo);

Now reviewers says...the application is installed in advance on the device, and the problem occured when trying to update it or checking it after reset (failed to install). There is no permission error.

My app already have partner level privilidge and it works very fine on local test device.

Any idea?

Here is the complete log (packageid: t9kMxabBed)


05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: OnIpcRequestReceived(142) > MessagePort message received
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: OnSendMessage(114) > MessagePort OnSendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: SendMessage(218) > _MessagePortService::SendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: GetKey(275) > _MessagePortService::GetKey
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: SendMessage(225) > Sends a message to a remote message port [org.tizen.tizenstore:org.tizen.tizenstore.MessagePort]
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: SendMessage(126) > MessagePort SendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: SendResponse(873) > _MessagePortIpcServer::SendResponse
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: Send(836) > _MessagePortIpcServer::Stop
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900  4125  4125 I org.tizen.TizenStore: TSIPCHandler.c: TSIPCHandler_ReceiveMessagePortCb(144) > [TSIPCHandler] TSIPCHandler_ReceiveMessagePortCb()
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900  4125  4125 I org.tizen.TizenStore: TSIPCHandler.c: TSIPCHandler_IterateReceivedBundle_Foreach(122) > [TSIPCHandler] key : Bundle_Key_Downlaod_Status, type : 2 
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900  4125  4125 I org.tizen.TizenStore: TSAppDownMgr.c: TSAppDownMgr_GetAppStatusL(117) > [TSAppDownMgr] TSAppDownMgr_GetAppStatusL 
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900  4125  4125 I org.tizen.TizenStore: TSAppDownMgr.c: TSAppDownMgr_GetAppStatusL(127) > [TSAppDownMgr] find EVENT from productId(000000061734), status : 2
05-14 17:33:25.539+0900  4125  4125 I TizenStore: tizenstore.c: DownloadStatusCb(8310) > [TizenStore] ETBS_IPC_DOWNLOAD_STATUS_INSTALL_PROGRESS [ 000000061734 | 000000061734 ]
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E QUICKPANEL: noti_led.c: _led_list_find_by_priv_id(118) > [_led_list_find_by_priv_id : 118] invalid parameter
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: _vconf_get_key_filesys(2020) > _vconf_get_key_filesys(0-db/setting/blockingmode/led_indicator) step(-21) failed(2 / No such file or directory)
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: _vconf_get_key(2111) > db/setting/blockingmode/led_indicator : read buf error(-21). break
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: vconf_get_bool(2417) > vconf_get_bool(651) : db/setting/blockingmode/led_indicator error
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E QUICKPANEL: noti_led.c: _noti_led_off(231) > [_noti_led_off : 231] try to turn off LED
05-14 17:33:25.549+0900   651   651 E QUICKPANEL: noti_led.c: _noti_led_off(236) > [_noti_led_off : 236] failed led_set_mode:-1
05-14 17:33:25.559+0900   651   651 I QUICKPANEL: noti.c: quickpanel_noti_set_clear_all_status(1457) > [quickpanel_noti_set_clear_all_status : 1457] NOTI SECTION CLEAR ALL HIDE
05-14 17:33:25.559+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: _vconf_get_key_filesys(2020) > _vconf_get_key_filesys(0-db/setting/blockingmode/notifications) step(-21) failed(2 / No such file or directory)
05-14 17:33:25.559+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: _vconf_get_key(2111) > db/setting/blockingmode/notifications : read buf error(-21). break
05-14 17:33:25.559+0900   651   651 E VCONF   : vconf.c: vconf_get_bool(2417) > vconf_get_bool(651) : db/setting/blockingmode/notifications error
05-14 17:33:25.559+0900   651   651 E QUICKPANEL: ticker.c: _quickpanel_noti_media_feedback_sound(1191) > [_quickpanel_noti_media_feedback_sound : 1191] None type: No sound
05-14 17:33:25.589+0900   539   568 I AUL     : menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(240) > path : /usr/bin/data-provider-master, ret : 0
05-14 17:33:25.599+0900   539   568 I AUL     : menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(240) > path : /usr/bin/data-provider-master, ret : 0
05-14 17:33:25.609+0900   539   568 I AUL     : menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(240) > path : /usr/bin/data-provider-master, ret : 0
05-14 17:33:25.619+0900   539   568 I AUL     : menu_db_util.h: _get_app_info_from_db_by_apppath(240) > path : /usr/bin/data-provider-master, ret : 0
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (1894) > PackageEventHandler - req: 1, pkg_type: wgt, pkg_name: t9kMxabBed, key: error, val: 42
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (107) > Installation is Completed(Error). [Package = t9kMxabBed]
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (663) > Enter. package(t9kMxabBed), installationResult(1)
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (695) > Exit.
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (1584) > Package = [t9kMxabBed], Key = [error], Value = [42], install = [96]
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (1894) > PackageEventHandler - req: 1, pkg_type: wgt, pkg_name: t9kMxabBed, key: end, val: fail
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (1584) > Package = [t9kMxabBed], Key = [end], Value = [fail], install = [96]
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   450   450 W AUL_AMD : amd_appinfo.c: __amd_pkgmgrinfo_status_cb(621) > __amd_pkgmgrinfo_fail_handler
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   450   450 W AUL_AMD : amd_request.c: __request_handler(601) > __request_handler: 22
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   450   450 W AUL_AMD : amd_request.c: __request_handler(803) > app status : 5
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900  5309  5309 I APP_CORE: appcore-efl.c: __after_loop(1057) > Legacy lifecycle: 0
05-14 17:33:25.629+0900  5309  5309 I APP_CORE: appcore-efl.c: __after_loop(1059) > [APP 5309] PAUSE before termination
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900  3989  3989 I TBS     : TBSInstaller.c: __ResponseEventCbFromPackagegManager(395) > TBSInstaller_event_cb
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900  3989  3989 I TBS     : TBSInstaller.c: __ResponseEventCbFromPackagegManager(405) > [TBSInstaller] __ResponseEventCb -> id:2, T:wgt, PN:t9kMxabBed, ET:2, ES:1, PGS:63, E:0, PID:332
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900  3989  3989 I TBS     : TBSPkgDownloadStateMachine.c: __installProgressCallback(706) > [TBSPkgDownloadSM] install progress 63.000000
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900  3989  3989 I TBS     : TBSIPCHandler.c: __DownloadStatusCb(559) > [TBSIPCHandler] DStatus Tm:0/Ts:0/PrI:000000061734/S:7/E:0/PP:63.000000
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: OnReadMessage(728) > _MessagePortIpcServer::OnReadMessage
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: HandleReceivedMessage(567) > _MessagePortIpcServer::HandleReceivedMessage
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: OnIpcRequestReceived(142) > MessagePort message received
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: OnSendMessage(114) > MessagePort OnSendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: SendMessage(218) > _MessagePortService::SendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: GetKey(275) > _MessagePortService::GetKey
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortService.cpp: SendMessage(225) > Sends a message to a remote message port [org.tizen.tizenstore:org.tizen.tizenstore.MessagePort]
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortStub.cpp: SendMessage(126) > MessagePort SendMessage
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: SendResponse(873) > _MessagePortIpcServer::SendResponse
05-14 17:33:25.639+0900   385   431 I MESSAGE_PORT: MessagePortIpcServer.cpp: Send(836) > _MessagePortIpcServer::Stop




Edited by: Pravin Ranjan on 15 5월, 2015
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5 댓글
Marco Buettner

Do you have a "real partner privileg certificate" or just the patch from the IDE?

Pravin Ranjan

I (my firm) have real partner privilege certificate. Things works very well in case of fresh installation. The app update doesn't work and hence the reviewer rejected the app.

Mark as answer
Dongeup Ham

In your attached log,

error number 42 is detected.

05-14 17:33:25.629+0900   905   905 I Tizen::App: (1894) > PackageEventHandler - req: 1, pkg_type: wgt, pkg_name: t9kMxabBed, key: error, val: 42


This means PRIVILEGE_LEVEL_VIOLATION, thrown when unauthorized privileges are detected.

Can you check this with Tizen Store guy?



Pravin Ranjan

Thanks Dongeup Ham. But how is this possible that an app with partner level certificate getting such error?

Dongeup Ham

I am sorry but it is very difficult to catch out the exact reason only through the attached log because there was little information in it.

I think you can contact your conterpart to check the partner level is well applied in your application.