언어 설정

Animation Stop Problem

I have animation in my html page. When i start this animation and at the same time i exit from the app using tizen testing device's circle back button and enter into app again i come to know that animation is not stopped and it is still running. Actullay i have sound with animation and animation is on 15 button . So when animation is start from first button sound starts and on pressing device back button sound stopes but when i resume to app animation starts from the point where the app was exit. 

I want to remove animation when app exit and at the same time want to set the animation to the first button .

for this i am finding onPause and OnResume  functions in tizen but i don't find such functions

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 댓글
Raghu Kona
Hi, If you want to close the application, you can use the below code by adding a back button to your app. $('div[data-role="page"]:first .ui-btn-back').bind("click", function(event) { var currentApp = tizen.application.getCurrentApplication(); currentApp.exit(); });
to add back button to page. If you click the home button on device, the application will goto sleep mode / pause state. But I don't see any APIs to handle that in Web. However you can do it using Native functions (Hybrid app ??). Regards, Raghu Kona
Jihoon Chung
Hi, How about using webkitvisibilitychange event? In case of your web application, visibility event will be helpful