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absolute path as location parameter does not work in tizen.filesystem.resolve()

I am working with filesystem API for a Gear S, Tizen wearable Help mentioned URI path such as ‘/tmp/’ and ‘file:///tmp’ as well as virtual root could be used as location parameter.  

But one of the URI path ‘/tmp/’ does not work in my test, while ‘file:///tmp’ works well.

Could anybody let me know why using linux type URI path does not work in tizen.filesystem.resolve() although Tizen wearable SDK supports it.


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Documenatation says that:

The following virtual roots must be supported:

  • images - the location for images
  • videos - the location for videos
  • music - the location for sounds
  • documents - the location for documents
  • downloads - the location for downloaded items
  • ringtones - the location for ringtones (read-only location)
  • camera - the location for the pictures and videos taken by a device (supported since Tizen 2.3)
  • wgt-package - the location for widget package which is read-only
  • wgt-private - the location for a widget's private storage
  • wgt-private-tmp - the location for a widget's private volatile storage

And "To access other paths out of virtual root, for example '/tmp/', 'file:///tmp' can be used as location parameter."  

This is mean that if you want access to directory outside of virtual root (images, videos, music and etc) you need use URI path "file:///....".