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ThorOneClick for 2.2.1

Hi all,

Since recieving my RD-PQ device I was able to successfully update to 2.2 using the ThorOneClick tool found in this thread: https://developer.tizen.org/forums/general-support/update-tizen-device-2.1-2.2

I'd like to now flash with 2.2.1 - is there a similar tool that would do this?


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


14 댓글
Peter Wegner

Good question, source is normally here... but I have no access...



No idea why Samsung not provide public Windows Tool... only in closed area...

First Version was public available from this site, without regsitration...


Best Regards

Lakshmi Grandhi

You need to follow same steps with image 2.2.1 as you did for 2.2.0

Pushpa G
Henry Hoffman

I'm currently on Windows. The steps that I followed for 2.2.0 was downloading the ThorOneClick tool and running it. 

So I'm assuming there is no ThorOneClick for 2.2.1? I see that thor is supposedly a Windows version of lthor? I cannot find any download links or anything to thor.

It's kind of weird that these tools are hidden behind expired registration walls and refrences to thor are spoken in hushed, mysterious whispers.

Any help would be great :)

Peter Wegner

I can remember first version was public available WITHOUT account...


Then for 2.2 Samsung only for registred users... but you can not register anymore to this site...


I have no idea, why here only Windows hater... because Thor for Windows exists... also no idea why Samsung hide this Windows Tool...


1 Problem is, that nobody else as Samsung is authorized to share this Tool + Firmware...

2.2 was only copy from here:



Thanx M.


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

I have idea, why here only Linux hater :).... because Thor for Linux exists... also no idea why people can not use Linux Tool :)

So. Imo the Windows Client was just a "fast" solution for the PortAthon-Members, because the submit windows was very short.

I prefer lthor and not the Windows Client. :)

Peter Wegner

If it is "impossible" to offer Windows Version of Thor in public... harhar...


Maybe then it is possible to make Image for USB or CD... to start lthor from Bootdisk...and to take Firmwarefiles from Windows folder...

And please remember. Not every Windows user is able to download 2000 MB + for Live CD... + 1000 MB for uncompressed WiFi Firmware.


Where are the times, where Linux runs from 1, 4 MB disk... also it seems not so easy too, with available live image:



Thanx for reading.


Best Regards

Marco Buettner

Why you load 1000 MB uncompressed WiFi Firmware? :) The firmware is just <300 MB ! :) So its not an argument because you calculate wrong ;)

I never use the Live CD, but to use USB you have to redirected your ports to the VM ;)

As Windows user you have many option to use Linux also...

1. Way VM

2. Live CD

3. Secondary System

For sure Samsung should be able for a public release of Thor1Click... But maybe its limited on licence issues or something else? :)

Peter Wegner

tizen-2.2_20131107.3_RD-PQ-REF-wifi.tar 08-Nov-2013 12:17    1.1G
 * This attribute vendor descriptor is necessary for correct operation with
 * Windows version of THOR download program
 * It prevents windows driver from sending zero lenght packet (ZLP) after
 * each THOR_PACKET_SIZE. This assures consistent behaviour with libusb
Ja genau. Samsung hat seine Gründe...
Ich will ja das alles komplett ist, wenn ich mein Testgerät habe zum Flashen von 3.0...
Da haben sie noch Zeit zum Nachbessern...


Best Regards

Marco Buettner
tizen-2.2_20131107.3_RD-PQ-REF.tar.gz       08-Nov-2013 12:03  293M  

Have wifi, too and only 300 mb and the file you share you know thats isn't correct compressed ;) 

So don't talk bullshit...

Until you have a test device, Tizen 5.0 is out :)

Why you can use lthor? Its imo the best solution and better than the fuckin Thor1Click... because you can only use the intergrated Firmware and not a own firmware =) Without Haxmax

Peter Wegner

Jetzt geht das schon wieder los...

Niemand will "Deinem" Baby etwas...

Bleib doch mal locker.

Es geht um Support... Ich bin schließlich nicht der einzige, der nach "dem" Windows Tool fragt.

Fragen wird ja wohl noch erlaubt sein...

Samsung soll nachbessern... nich Du.


Bei uboot sind Quellcodes vom Thor Downloader mit dabei...

Nur weil ich zu blöde bin, ein Windows Tool zu programmieren, bedeutet das nicht. Das andere das nicht können, wenn Samsung nicht will...


Es geht um Entscheidungsmöglcihkeiten... Windows User sind nunmal ncht so harte Kerle. :)



Marco Buettner

Imo its more important that the platform runs perfect ... Flashtools and other 'Schnickschnack' is imo not important at the current state. Samsung has many to do to fix Tizen bugs, extend Tizen platform with necessary features and so on.

For developers it should not a problem to use a VM with Ubuntu to flash his test device only 2-3 times in the year ;) Its not so that the updates will release every week :)

And don't forget, this is a english forum :)

Zoltan Puski

I have access to tizenportathon.com site, but there is no 2.2.1 public binary, only 2.2.0 :(

+1 for Windows FW Updater

Peter Wegner

Thank you for feedback Zoltan Puski.


Best Regards