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Thanks for your help

Edited by: Edmond Graham on 21 4월, 2014


6 댓글
John Ixion

Hi Edmond,

You'll probably have more succes on the General mailing list https://www.tizen.org/community/mailing-lists



You can find following article in documentation: IrLed API (Samsung Extension)

Documentation: IDE -> Help -> Help Contetnts

Edmond Graham

Hi AVSukhov,

Thanks for your answer. I am still having trouble finding this article. I opened the ide and went to Help and then Help Contents but I still cannot find and IrLed articles. Can you please be more specific. What do you mean by Samsung Extention? I do not see samsung extention.. Do I need to download anything additional for the ide? Thanks alot!



Madhuri A

You can find this article in Tizen Wearable IDE documentation.

Go to Help ->Tizen Wearable WebApp Programming->API references -> Device API reference ->communication->IrLED

Edmond Graham



Here are the steps I have taken:


First I open my Tizen Wearable IDE.

Then I select "Help".

Then I select "Help Contents".

At this point I do not see a Tizen Wearable Web app programming.. 

I have a "WebApp Programming" option but after selecting that I do not find any IrLed references. (There is no Device API reference > communication -> IrLED)


Am I looking in the right place? This is the IDE located in my "tizen-wearable-sdk". I downloaded the sdk from here --> http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-gear


Do I need any special privalages?


I really appreciate your help! 

Edmond Graham

I got it! Thanks for your help :)