below is app_create function in watch application. (not UI application)
in "glview: use case:
Evas_Object *gl;
evas_object_resize(ad->_win, width, height);
gl = elm_glview_add(ad->_conform); // crash. !!!!!
log : ERROR / EFL ( 15457 : 15457 ) : evas-gl_x11<15457> evas_engine.c:394 evgl_eng_make_current() eglMakeCurrent() failed! Error Code=0x300
in "evasgl" use case:
ad->cfg = evas_gl_config_new();
ad->cfg->color_format = EVAS_GL_RGBA_8888;
ad->cfg->depth_bits = EVAS_GL_DEPTH_BIT_24;
ad->cfg->stencil_bits = EVAS_GL_STENCIL_BIT_8;
ad->cfg->options_bits = EVAS_GL_OPTIONS_NONE;
Evas_Coord w,h;
evas_object_geometry_get(ad->_win, NULL, NULL, &ad->surface_w, &ad->surface_h);
ad->evasgl = evas_gl_new(evas_object_evas_get(ad->_win));
ad->sfc = evas_gl_surface_create(ad->evasgl, ad->cfg, ad->surface_w, ad->surface_h);
ad->ctx = evas_gl_context_create(ad->evasgl, NULL);
sfc, ctx value return NULL. but evasgl pointer value is correct. also surface_w, surface_h.
i think... gear s2 classic don't make a gl surface.
but before recently firmware update, that work normally...
have any idea how to avoid this situation ?