언어 설정

When i make a call from my mobile number to another person mobile number.How to retrieve both mobile number in my application.


I am developing an application in which when i make a call from my mobile to another person mobile.I want to retrieve both the number in my application.How can i do this.I am developing an application for mobile number.

thanks in advance

Thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar




8 댓글
daniel kim


As far as I know, we can get the call state only through "telephony_call_state_e". Such function is not supported.


mohit kumar


On the click of call button caller number should be save in application.The person who dial the number the dailing number should be save in my application.It is easy it will happen with tizen.If you have any idea please help me.You told me that it will happen in native application.




Thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar





daniel kim


I think that you've confused me with other guy as I didn't mention that it'll happen in native part :)

If you want to get the call number of call screen, it's not possible for now.  I'm not sure what your application should do exactly. but you may get the call number from call log. how about you check this side?


Alex Dem

Reagarding this tutorial :
looks like you could get only call state,but you can not get incoming phone number.
But maybe you could try to get your phone (sim card subscriber number) using telephony_sim_get_subscriber_number api .

Alex Dem

I think the similar problem:


Marco Buettner

Why you need the number of the dialer?

mohit kumar


I am developing an application in which "If any one call on my number then i want to track the current location from which he/she is calling me".On the other hand when i receive the call ,then my current location should be displyed on the other person mobile phone.I want to track the current location of both receiving end and calling end.



If it is possible please help me


Thanks and regards

Mohit Kumar




daniel kim


It's possible as you can get call number of caller by below api. after that you can transfer your location to callee with this number and callee can send his data to your side as well. server is required to find end point for each side in this case, I think.

       telephony_sim_get_subscriber_number api
