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Unable to launch app on emulator

I am having trouble in launching Native App on emulator.

Below is the error

An internal error occurred during: "Launching HelloNative - Debug".
org.tizen.common.sign.exception.CertificationException: Can't create XML Signature file

Can anybody help?

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


6 댓글
muditha murthy
Create a new certificate using certificate generator tool.
Anna K
Okay I will create new certificate, but I am able to build and launch other native apps. Only one particular native app is throwing this error.
Anna K
Hi Muditha, Created new certificate and did a clean build. The error is same.
muditha murthy
Can you please check if your device time is set to current date and time.
Anna K
Yes the emulator has the same time as system time. The problem is only with one project. The other projects are working fine. I would like to attach the error popup screenshot, but cannot find any option in the forum to do so.
muditha murthy
When you create a new forum topic there you get an option of attaching image at top of body area, there would be image icon clcik on that to include screenshot.