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[UI Control][Pop-Up] Title Text going out of Bounds


I am adding some long text in the pop-up window which is going out of bounds.

How can i make the text fall into next line ?


Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


10 댓글
Pushpa G
Try \n to get the text in new line as follows: __pProgressPopup = new (std::nothrow) ProgressPopup(); __pProgressPopup->Construct(true,false); __pProgressPopup->SetTitleText(L"Title"); __pProgressPopup->SetBounds(260.0f,260.0f,200.0f,500.0f); __pProgressPopup->SetText(L"Hello World! Title test message\n in new line"); AddControl(__pProgressPopup); __pProgressPopup->SetShowState(true); __pProgressPopup->Show();
Siddharth Singh
I tried .......its not working this way :(
Siddharth Singh
Sorry..actually its working for ProgressPopup ....but i need to use simple popup not progress one.... Is there any way of doing the same for simple pop-up? For normal pop-up there is no such cmd such as setText it only has setTitleText.......so i am not sure if title text can also be taken to next line or not.
Pushpa G
Hi Siddharth, Popup can contain other UI controls. So if you want like ProgressPopup's SetText func, add Label control. __pLabel = new (std::nothrow) Label(); __pLabel->Construct(FloatRectangle(0.0f, 32.0f, rect.width, 100.0f), L"Hello World!\n Test new line"); __pLabel->SetTextHorizontalAlignment(ALIGNMENT_CENTER); _pPopup->AddControl(_pLabel); If you want to detail infomation, please check UiControls Sample app & Programming Guide.
Siddharth Singh
I tried doing it using TextBox inside Pop-up..it works fine and meets my requirement. However,i also tried doing it through Message-Box...the only problem i faced here was i could not modify the size of Message Box and hence could not put text beyond a point. Is there any way i can modify/increase the size of Message Box ?
Danny YS Whang
No the MessageBox size is pretty much fixed. The best way is I think what you've done aready, create a Popup without a Title, and populate it with Label or TextBox as your see fit.
Pushpa G
Hi, I also could not fine an API in the help docs to increase the MessageBox size However, I saw that ists written, a text box can handle larger amounts of text. If all the text does not fit within the text box area at once, a vertical scroll bar is automatically enabled in the text box and the user can scroll up and down to view the entire text. So can you check the scrolling in the text box(after adding it to MessageBox) by reducing the size of the textbox to that of your messagebox
Siddharth Singh
Hi All, Your replies are very much appreciated. By putting the text box inside the message box i am able to modify its size,it becomes equal to the size of the text box.However,the scroll does not appear. Anyways,now i have various way of doing it as above and it will serve the purpose. Thanks again........
Siddharth Singh
Hi Again, The scroll does appear......could not differentiate due to same color... :) Sorry for the earlier comment regarding scroll.
Pushpa G
hey its ok:), thank you for updating us:)