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twitter add-on plugin

I just found out that there is twitter add-on for the sdk, any one gave it a try?


released on 7 November..

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


9 댓글
Manasij Sur Roy

Are you facing any issue?

talari praveen kumar


I opened install manager -> extrarepository->add->repositoty->

I am getting server connection timed out. Please guide me how to install twitter add-on sdk
Manasij Roy

Maybe your firewall is blocking, or may be its a server temp issue.

Try one thing, - download http://download.tizen.org/sdk/sdk-images/add-on/twitter/ (including the package list files) and save it in your say "add_on_dir"

Now while doing SDK installation (https://developer.tizen.org/downloads/sdk/installing-sdk/sdk-extensions) in step 5 instead of giving the URL, give

file:///<location_where_you_saved_add_on>, give name as twitter-sdk.

[P.S : If this gives error, then click ok on the error diaog box, click ok on the add-on dialog box, it will take you back to the sdk config page, there in the "Extras" option you can see twitter-sdk, select the same and proceed.]

Let us know if you find any luck....

talari praveen kumar


It is giving error as "cannot find file in repository" 

talari praveen kumar


I have installed the twitter add-on sucessfully, but when i tried to launch the sample from TizenNative->sample->twitter->SimpleTwitter I am getting error "unresolved inclusion <TwTwitterClient.h>" how to overcome it?

Manasij Roy

Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Tizen Settings->Framework->check tizen twitter sdk-> ok, then rebuild

talari praveen kumar


Thanks for your response. Now I am able to install the app suceessfully but when I press Login button it is not asking any credentials it is directly giving error as [E_PARSING_FAILED]. How to resolve this?


Manasij Roy

Can you check date-time setting of your emulator/ref device? It should be set as per your local time zone.

I was facing issues install it but I solved it. Now the post is just informative for other developers