I've got a question about creating UI in Native UI Builder and using LAYOUT_RELATIVE.
I've created a Form using ui builder and relative layout. It has only one Label with attributes "center vertical" and "center horizontal" set to true.
I expected that after orientation change that Label will automatically change it's position and will be at form's center, but it's coordinates didn't change automatically.
I've read https://developer.tizen.org/documentation/articles/responsive-ui-tizen-native-applications?langredirect=1. Authors of this article propose to re-calculate control's positions manually.
Is there any solution to re-use UI in other orientation without recalculating control's coordinates manually? It's not difficult in case of one control, but in more complicated layouts it won't be so easy. Maybe I should do something in OnOrientationChanged() method to ask relative layout to re-position controls? Or maybe using UI builder and xml layouts isn't a best way for Tizen?
Thanks for any tips.