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Questions about OptionMenu

Could I configure OptionMenu (or another similar controls like ContextMenu etc) via UI Builder ? I did not find how and I think I can't.
Is there way to set background image on OptionMenu item. I found how to set icon only (using appropriate AddItem constructor).

Thank you in advance.

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


3 댓글
Pushpa G
Try the following API of optionmenu class reference: result AddItem (const Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap &normalBitmap, const Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap *pPressedBitmap, const Tizen::Graphics::Bitmap *pHighlightedBitmap, int actionId) to set the background image to the optionmenu item
Puhpa H
oh, sorry, yes as you said, its setting as icon, i also couldn't see in help contents the API to set as background image for optionmenuitem
Alex Dem
Thank you for response. I still think it is impossible. Alexey.