언어 설정

Not getting multiple touch point

Dear Tizen support team,


I have an issue on multitouch point. I have an image which i have drawn in canvas. In that image, there is button.In that already button is draw. I want to get the position of button(i.e x and y).

i am able to get 3 point not more than that. I am getting point id, but how can i know that is x and y position.

Because i need to construct that button within that area, so any user can touch that, one event can be fired,

Kindly let me know if any one having answer.

Thank you,

Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


5 댓글
Madhuri A
Hi John, Could you explain your question in more detail? Do you mean to say that the image which you have drawn on the canvas is already having a button. Now, you are trying to find the position of the button. Is that right?
john Smith
Hi Madhuri, yes, you are right.
konduri sai swathi
Hi, Inherit Tizen::Ui::ITouchEventListener and use GetBounds() to get x and y coordinates for touch events on canvas. Take a look at the below link for more help : https://developer.tizen.org/help/topic/org.tizen.native.appprogramming/html/tutorials/ui_tutorial/task_multipointtouch.htm?resultof=%22%63%61%6e%76%61%73%22%20%22%63%61%6e%76%61%22%20%22%74%6f%75%63%68%22%20
john Smith
Hi swathi, Thanks for your help, have you tried that, because i am not getting more than 3 point after touch.
Madhuri A
Hi John, I tried the MultiPointTouch example from the Example suite and added an image to the canvas. I am able to get touch points continuously. Could you please try with the MultiPointTouch example?