언어 설정

memory leakage bug

Hello All,

There is memory leakage when using message port api. The size of memory, used by application, is always increased, when sending and receiving messages.

After some time application receives ui_app_low_memory event and closes.

I have submitted bug on this problem on the december 2, 2016.


No response received yet.

What else it is possible to do to fix the problem?



3 댓글
Mango Bar

I run your app in my device. It didn't close after certain time. It completed 1000000 loops.

Andrey Lebed

Maybe the difference is due to model/firmware version.
My phone is Samsung Z3, model SM-Z300F. 


Mango Bar

My phone  is also Z3, Model  SM-Z300H . Farmware Version is Z300HDDU0BPI2 . It doesn't close after certain time.

I also guess this may happen because of different farmware version.