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Let us talk about UIBuilder's Advantage And Disadvantage

I'm  using UIBuilder to create my UI app,But find that it is not suitable to me.  Follow is my experiences about it :

 1. It provide a easy and  WYSIWYG  ​editor to creat UI layout

2. It provide managed app_view_manager which managers the naviframe stack easily

but .....

1.It is too easy to crash (windows enviroment, tizen studio 1.0)

2. It has just only one layout.xml file to store UI that  I hated  so much ~~!   

     a.If there are dozens of view, the .xml file  will be too complex 

     b.For team work ,if multiple programer handle the file ,it's too difficult to ensure UIBuilde to load correctly. 

3. The auto-generated code can't change to add my own logic


Apart from that, I have not found  how to bind multi language to xml  .such as  label.text="???", how to add custom button to the xml file........

Welcome to talk ~~



Edited by: jian chen on 09 10월, 2016


3 댓글
Mehedi Alamgir

What i found till now is, For UI related task, use of EFL is more flexible that UI Builder because of its limitations.

jian chen

We have give up UI Builder  to develop our app to use EFL , just talk about it

jian chen

In my opinion ,UI Builder is just a tool to  use EFL ,the api is from EFL ,Do you think so ?