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I want to get a source code about "dispcpuinfo"

Hi guys,

I found a NATIVE apps on z2lte device. that PATH is /usr/apps/com.samsung.dispcpuinfo,

I can use CMD "launch_app com.samsung.dispcpuinfo" to show CPU usage.

How can I get this source code? I want to make a SMALL apps show some info on TOP window, likes dispcpuinfo APPS.



3 댓글
Anirban Dutta


I think 'dispcpuinfo' is an application packaged by the manufacturer and I have not seen it available in repository.

But, the information 'diskcpuinfo' provides about the cpu are the information provided by linux kernel ( /proc/loadavg ).

You may look for cpuinfo, meminfo, loadavg listed under /proc/ in the publicly relased repository of a tizen platform.


joey wu

Hi Anirban,


I know CPU info from where.

now my request is a FLOAT window function, such as "dispcpuinfo".

It can show some infomations transparent and always show on the top of window, can't close by  backkey or home key.

Could you please prodive some ideas for me? Which API can implement this function?


Thanks a lot,


joey wu

Hi Anirban,


I know CPU info from where.

now my request is a FLOAT window function, such as "dispcpuinfo".

It can show some infomations transparent and always show on the top of window, can't close by  backkey or home key.

Could you please prodive some ideas for me? Which API can implement this function?


Thanks a lot,
