I have multiple apps submitted in Tizen store. I want to provide an option of "More apps" in each app and when clicked, should be redirected to tizen store showing all my apps just like more apps by seller option currently present in tizen store app page.
What should the uri in the below api
void launch_tizenstore(void) { app_control_h tizenstore_handle = NULL; int err; if ((err = app_control_create(&tizenstore_handle)) != APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE || tizenstore_handle == NULL) { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, "app_control_create() is failed, err = %d", err); return; } app_control_set_operation(tizenstore_handle, APP_CONTROL_OPERATION_VIEW); app_control_set_app_id(tizenstore_handle, "org.tizen.tizenstore"); app_control_set_uri(tizenstore_handle, "tizenstore://ProductDetail/<application_package_Id>"); // application_package_Id will be different for different applications Ex: org.tizen.sampleApp if ((err = app_control_send_launch_request(tizenstore_handle, NULL, NULL))!= APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) { dlog_print(DLOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG,"app_control_send_launch_request is failed, err = %d", err); } app_control_destroy(tizenstore_handle); }
Thanks in advance.