언어 설정

How to install TPK to RD-PQ?
I'm porting my Bada application to Tizen. All works as expected in emulator. But we have old RD-PQ phone. We cant even connect it via USB. Software version there is 2.2.0 I found follow instructions: https://developer.tizen.org/ru/forums/native-application-development/unable-deploy-tpk-ide?langredirect=1 So questions are: 1) Should we upgrade phone software to 2.2.1 ? And if so, where we can get corresponding image? 2) Can we install application there without SDK installation or it it possible using SDK tools only? Sorry for dummy questions


2 댓글
Marco Buettner

If you able to WIFI you can download the tpk from a server

Alex Ashirov


  1. I use the same device (RD-PQ with 2.2.0) and it’s visible by SDK tools. You can try to install the following drivers:


  1. You can copy your tpk on device (e.g. using wifi as mentioned above) and open it using My Files application.