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How to implement the UI effects by means of OpenGL

I'm a beginner for Tizen.

I'm now looking for a measure to implement UI effects by OpenGL.

The UI effects indicate the page transition, the switching of applications, and so on.

Though I tried the UI Effects Builder, it's not what I expected.

It's just a tool in order to accomplish the 2D effects.

Question1: Is it possible to implement the UI Effects by means of OpenGL?

Question2: If possible, let me know.





Edited by: Brock Boland on 17 3월, 2014 Reason: Paragraph tags added automatically from tizen_format_fix module.


2 댓글
muditha murthy
For UI effects, refer the API reference about Tizen::Ui::Effects. internally, functions of Tizen::Ui::Effects are implemented with open gl functions, however, I don't know whether mixing functions of Tizen::Ui::Effects and gl functions is possible or not.
Seiya Kumada
Thank you for your reply. I'll see if Tizen::Ui::Effects is what I expect.