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How to delete the recorder files


Is there any way to delete the the video files which created by recorder?



3 댓글
colin Rao


Maybe the remove function in stdio.h can help you.

/* Remove file FILENAME.  */
extern int remove (__const char *__filename) __THROW;

Jean Yang


My problem is like below, when I continue to record video, the OS will kill my app because the memory is LOW,  what I want is to find a way to clean the previous record data, or find some other solutoin to avoid this.

01-17 05:01:48.410 : ERROR / RESOURCED ( 733 : 733 ) : vmpressure-lowmem-handler.c: lowmem_kill_victims(917) > [lowmem_kill_victims,917] we killed, force(0), 9518 (myapp) score = 200, size = 246500 KB, victim total size = 246500 KB, sigterm = 1
01-17 05:01:49.980 : ERROR / DATA_PROVIDER_MASTER ( 531 : 531 ) : setting.c: low_mem_cb(209) > [SECURE_LOG] Recover from the low mem status



Alex Dem

I am not sure that you able to prevent your app terminating on Low Memory Event. I did not find clear description how to avoid it in dev-guide.
If event has been occured and 'ui_app_low_memory' has been called already I think it means that Low Memory Killer kills your application and all you able inside registered callback is : Save data in the main memory to a persistent memory or storage.


but maybe someone could provide more clear info.