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hello accessory I would like to inquire about the samples

hi. I have to try a hello accessory native samples between galaxy gear s2 and android phone (galaxy note 3).

First, may trouble getting the lack of attention to understand English. I'm sorry.

I had downloaded from the site http://developer.samsung.com/resources/gear - Gear|Companion Type - Hello Accessory(Native) Android phone provider, a consumer has the Tizen (Galaxy gear s2).

Android import in apartment no problem with the app on their smartphones, it was up to the normal, Theisen import in the field of later with errors, which does not make a run, Create new project and, in (manifest xml, accessoryservices xml, sap, main c, remember that c) a necessary part gears with parts making Paste S school properly to allow the app isBecame run.

But Android and Bluetooth communications, but try connect peer _ _ _ find : connection is and Will Theisen sap the 26 c agent (231) > findsap agent _ _ _ peer sis failed called (- 1)Error log is happening.

An error occurring in the library not find the exact cause is determined they will expect. I have a question on how to solve it.

※android error rog

  • 02-19 16:23:32.293: E/NetlinkEvent(276): NetlinkEvent::FindParam(): Parameter 'TIME_NS' not found
  • 02-19 16:23:32.564: D/SSRM:n(790): SIOP:: AP = 300, CUR = 450
  • 02-19 16:23:33.434: D/SACalendarProvider::Service(1364): !!! call stopself in runnable 2
  • 02-19 16:23:33.444: D/SAAgent(1364): SAAgent - onDestroy:SACalendarProviderImpl
  • 02-19 16:23:33.444: W/SAAgent(1364): Performing agent cleanup
  • 02-19 16:23:33.454: D/SACalendarProvider::Service(1364): SACalendar Destroy 0
  • 02-19 16:23:33.454: D/SACalendarProvider::Service(1364): closeConnection0 mConnectionStatus-1
  • 02-19 16:23:33.463: D/SACalndarData(1364): disconnect()
  • 02-19 16:23:33.473: V/SACapabilityManager(27415): Fetched service record profileId: /system/calendarcomponentId: 40972 role: 0
  • 02-19 16:23:33.473: I/SAAgent(1364): Agent ID retrieved successfully for com.samsung.accessory.saproviders.sacalendar.SACalendarProviderImplAgent ID:40972
  • 02-19 16:23:33.473: W/SAFrameworkConnection(27415): Cleaning up FrameworkConnection for agent: 40972 in package: com.samsung.android.gearoplugin
  • 02-19 16:23:35.484: D/Timer-0(24292): NetStateManager.java   196  ++ NetStateManager.isEnableWifi()
  • 02-19 16:23:35.484: D/ConnectivityService(790): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 1) :[type: WIFI[] - WIFI, state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]
  • 02-19 16:23:35.484: D/Timer-0(24292): NetStateManager.java   218  ++ NetStateManager.isUsingMobile()
  • 02-19 16:23:35.494: D/ConnectivityService(790): returning getNetworkInfo(networkType - 0) :[type: MOBILE[LTE] - MOBILE, state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: connected, extra: lte.sktelecom.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true, isConnectedToProvisioningNetwork: false]


※tizen error rog

  • 02-19 16:36:34.405 : INFO / consumer ( 3587 : 3587 ) : sap.c: find_peers(242) > find peer called
  • 02-19 16:36:34.405 : INFO / consumer ( 3587 : 3587 ) : sap.c: _find_peer_agent(231) > findsap_peer_agent_s is failed (-1)
  • 02-19 16:36:34.405 : ERROR / consumer ( 3587 : 3587 ) : sap.c: _find_peer_agent(234) > find peer call is over

Thank you.


1 댓글
daniel kim