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Handle Simultaneous Button Presses

I have 2 buttons with separate callback functions attached to them. The problem I'm facing is when I press button 1 while keeping button 2 pressed too, the callback funtion of button 1 does not get called. It seems only 1 button can be operated on at any given time. Is there any way I can get simultaneous multiple button presses working?


5 댓글
colin Rao

Seems it's like a multi-touch event issue. You can check the "Multipoint"(search by text in IDE help doc) for some basic description. I've ever do a multi touch event testing, seems Tizen Native only support two finger touch event. in other words, you only can receive the second touch event while you keep the frist touch event alive. But my testing just works on the same widget.

As your scenario, two touch event are targeted on different widget, I am not sure whether it's works. I am afraid that it's not ok.

Alex Dem

I tried with touch gestures, added two layers to different buttons succesfully.   
but it does not work simultaneously. Even ELM_GESTURE_STATE_START for tap gesture(ELM_GESTURE_N_TAPS) trigger only for one(first pressed) widget...

HM Mehrab

Hmm that is a bad restriction. I am trying to get around this problem by drawing some buttons manually on an Image and show that. I attached mouse down and mouse multi down callbacks to this image. I can get coordinates of of first touch on this image fine, but the second touch coordinates are giving me garbage values. How can I get correct coordinates of the 2nd touch?

HM Mehrab

Never mind. Was using the wrong event type. Problem solved :)