GPS Service Not Available
에 의해 Dharmesh Guna
2015년 03월 12일 03:49
영어 (English)
4 댓글
Hi All,
I am using Tizen 2.3.0_Rev2 SDK.
I am developing an Application for Samsung Z1 mobile where I need gps location.
when I try to get the position from API (location_manager_get_location) it says LOCATIONS_ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE
ret = location_manager_get_location(manager, &altitude, &latitude, &longitude,
&climb, &direction, &speed, &level, &horizontal, &vertical, ×tamp);
ERR("location_manager_get_location() Failed!!. Error Code = %d", ret);
return false;
My GPS already enabled. Also creating location manager and starting location service is not returing any error.
Please help if anybody faced this issue earlier.
Thank you.
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